Irritable bowel syndrome

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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a symptom complex that includes abdominal pain and hive irregularities, due to functional motor abnormalities of the colon. And ‘undoubtedly the most frequent cause of action to the doctor for gastroenterological disease.


Characteristic symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are:
– Pain, more frequent in the left iliac fossa but that you can find in all abdominal areas, is almost constantly present. Sometimes the pain can also affect the shoulders or lower back. The symptom usually is not very intense; does not disturb your sleep, can follow the meal and is alleviated or solved by the evacuation of stool or gas;
– Constipation can be such as to allow the evacuation only after use of laxatives or enemas;
– Diarrhea with variable number of reduced consistency of stool discharge, nocturnal and rarely or not accompanied by abdominal pain.
Irritable bowel, usually alternating periods of diarrhea, constipation and normality in the evacuation.
Other abdominal symptoms: bloating with a sense of bloating, bowel sounds, nausea.
Other abdominal symptoms: headache, easy tiredness, difficulty in concentration, palpitation, dyspnea, dysuria.


The diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome is essentially clinical that based on history (presence of symptoms for many years and their accentuation at the emotional or physical stress) and the normality of the medical examination and any laboratory tests carried out.
If these symptoms occur, for the first time, after 40 years or when these vary suddenly, it indicates subjecting the patient to investigations aimed at identifying the existence of organic disease of the colon (double contrast barium enema, colonoscopy).


The irritable bowel syndrome is chronic with periods of exacerbation of symptoms and retirement phases. The disease has a benign course, and does not, generally, slimming or impairment of general condition. The only complications are the appearance, as a consequence of chronic straining in a predominantly forms constipation, colonic diverticula, hemorrhoids and fissures and prolapse of the anal canal.


Therapy should counter the prevailing symptoms.
For pain: antispasmodics type anticholinergics (propantheline bromide, prifinio bromide, cimetropium bromide) and miolitici (trimebutina, pinaverio bromide, ottilonio bromide, luoroglicina) acting reducing intestinal spasm. The peppermint oil in capsules, in addition to the effect antispasmodic, is able to reduce the feeling of bloating.
For constipation: prokinetic levosulpiride type that increases the peristaltic intestinal motility and thus facilitates the progression of stool; fibers contained in bulk laxatives (methylcellulose, agar, bran, glucomannan, derivatives of psyllium); osmotic laxatives (lactulose and lactitol).
For diarrhea: loperamide that works by reducing the peristalsis; adsorbents medications (activated carbon, kaolin, diosmectite) that adsorbed liquids, increase stool consistency.
Useful in order to reduce the psychosomatic component, the same levosulpiride, anxiolytics (benzodiazepine type bromazepam, lorazepam) and antidepressants (amitriptyline).


When the prevailing symptom is constipation, it is necessary to increase the fibers ingested in the diet (at least 400g per day of vegetables or fruits), drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily, increasing physical activity. Try to regulate the evacuation by going to the toilet, even in the absence of stimulation, at precise times.
When the predominant symptom is pain is useful to reduce the ingestion of fermenting substances such legumes, cabbage, onions, broccoli, spinach, plums, apples, cherries, bananas, milk, cream, ice cream, high fat, fried foods, whole grains.
The patient should learn to recognize the foods that trigger or aggravate the symptoms in order to avoid or reduce their intake.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]