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Constipation is a very common disorder and one of the most common reasons a patient goes to the doctor. And ‘three times more common in women than in men. The daily evacuation is for most people a concern, not surprisingly many are those who believe they are stiptici. However, few actually do really suffer.
Constipation is not a disease but a symptom. If There are two types: primary or idiopathic and secondary. Idiopathic chronic constipation is one where you can not recognize any organic cause. This will recognize two forms: from colic and terminal inertia. The secondary constipation is due to systemic causes (drugs, metabolic abnormalities, endocrine abnormalities) and / or of gastrointestinal origin.
Idiopathic constipation colic inertia
Constipation from colonic inertia, characterized by lengthening of the colonic transit time, is typical of those patients who defecate less than three times a week and do not feel any need to go to the bathroom. Play a fundamental role as a dietary imbalance, hygienic habits and the psychological factor. In the first water intake it is below the required daily amount at least equal to two liters of water, to which is often added a poor dietary regime of slag (fruits and vegetables). Poor hygiene habits are those of individuals who never have the time, they do not have regular bowel movements or for which it is valid for any reason never to go to the body. Last but not least the psychological factor affecting subjects between 30 and 40 years, who have had difficult childhood psychic shock and presenting basic state depressive anxious.
Idiopathic constipation terminal
And typical of those patients who feel the urge to defecate but not if you do not manage to defecate and / or only with great difficulty.
E ‘can riscontrarla in dell’ipertonia syndrome of the internal sphincter, in dell’ipertonia syndrome puborectalis muscle disorders in the rectal static, in default of rectal distension capacity.
In s. dell’ipertonia of the internal sphincter and into that of the puborectalis muscle there is the absence of relaxation of the internal sphincter and the puborectalis muscle, respectively, during the ponzamenti. In the rectal static disorders fall the mucous rectal prolapse and rectocele, while in the defect of rectal distension capacity lacking the feeling of the need to evacuate, since the increase of the rectal pressure is poorly perceived and is not able to trigger the reflexes needed to inhibition of the contraction of the external sphincter and puborectalis muscle resulting in leakage of stool.
Secondary constipation
Among the systemic causes of constipation includes many drugs (anticholinergics, calcium channel blockers, opioids, antidepressants, dopaminagonisti, etc.), metabolic diseases -endocrine (diabetic neuropathy, amyloidosis, uremia, pregnancy, hypothyroidism, hypopituitarism, hypoparathyroidism, pheochromocytoma, Addison’s disease, etc.), neurological disorders (CNS injury, spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, etc.). Among the causes of gastrointestinal origin fall irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, megarectum, malignancies, chronic idiopathic inflammatory diseases, infectious and anal level, the fissure, abscess, stenosis ect.
The accurate collection of clinical information (frequency of bowel movements, stool characteristics, mode and disturbances during the evacuation) follow the general objective and comprehensive consideration Proctological. Among the instrumental tests the sigmoidoscopy, Rx Clisma Matt, defecography, Rx Direct Abdomen, transit time with radiopaque markers, anorectal manometry.
The treatment of constipation should be as far as possible etiologic it is critical to identify the causes. In idiopathic constipation colic inertia is due to reach a rich diet of waste and water, re-educating the intestine and adjusting defecation. In idiopathic constipation terminal currently the most effective and least invasive therapy is that of medical therapy combined with pelvic floor rehabilitation through biofeedback and elettrostimolazione.Il medical and / or surgical treatment of secondary forms is directly related to the underlying disease responsible.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]